Blood Donor Clubs
5/6 Donor Program
Did you know that blood donors are eligible to donate blood every 56 days or up to 6 times a year? We want to reward those donors who take the time to give selflessly whenever they are eligible. For 2024, we will begin our 5/6 donor program. The 5/6 program encourages donors to give at least 5 times during the year and you will be invited to a 5/6 Donor Appreciation Dinner in January 2025.
Donors who also achieve this milestone will be recognized at their donor center of choice with their name on a mural that will be constructed in the donor areas.
There’s plenty of time to get in your donations for 2024. Begin today! There’s no need to sign up, just get your donations completed by December 31 and your invite will be in the mail.
Donate 24 units in ’24
Platelet donations or apheresis (ay-fur-ee-sis) is a special kind of blood donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components, such as platelets. During the apheresis procedure, all but the needed blood component are returned to the donor.
Many lifesaving medical treatments require platelet transfusions. Cancer patients, those receiving organ or bone marrow transplants, victims of traumatic injuries, and patients undergoing open heart surgery require platelet transfusions to survive.
Depending on your weight and height, the actual apheresis donation process will take approximately 70 minutes to two hours. You may watch television or a movie, listen to music, surf the internet or simply sit back and relax while helping to save lives.
Platelet donations or apheresis (ay-fur-ee-sis) is a special kind of blood donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components, such as platelets. During the apheresis procedure, all but the needed blood component are returned to the donor.
Many lifesaving medical treatments require platelet transfusions. Cancer patients, those receiving organ or bone marrow transplants, victims of traumatic injuries, and patients undergoing open heart surgery require platelet transfusions to survive.
Depending on your weight and height, the actual apheresis donation process will take approximately 70 minutes to two hours. You may watch television or a movie, listen to music, surg the internet or simply sit back and relax while helping to save lives
High School Ambassadors

Are you a high school student who wants to spread the word about blood donations? We have a renewable scholarship up to four years that is awarded to a high school senior each year. Also, SBMF is working on a program that Ambassadors will help plan a drive in June and be offering additional scholarships based on participation in the drive. Contact Colleen Hahn at or call 574-204-4132 for more information.
Red Line Program
At South Bend Medical Foundation, we know that sometimes our donors don’t have the best experience when donating blood and might be hesitant to come back to donate. We have classified you as a Red Line Donor, which means that if you come back to SBMF and show this card, we will be sure we place you with a senior phlebotomist. While we can’t guarantee every donation process will be 100% successful, this is our way of trying to gain back your trust!
There are some things you can do to help make your donation successful. Please drink extra water 24 hours before your visit and make sure you eat a good meal before you come to donate. We will take extra measures on our end such as tipping your chair back or having you sip water while you donate or eat a snack. Give it a try!
If you have questions, please contact Colleen Hahn at 574-204-4132 or email

Our Convenient Donation Centers
Pathology Lab and Corporate Offices, and Blood Donor Center
3355 Douglas Road
South Bend, IN 46635
Blood Donor Center Hours:
Monday thru Friday | 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday | 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Every Sunday | Platelet appointments only
Blood Donor Center: (574) 234-1157
Community Blood Center
2222 Rieth Blvd, Ste. 105
Goshen, IN 46526
(574) 204-4040
Monday thru Wednesday | 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Thursday and Friday | 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Last Saturday of the Month | 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Blood Donor Center
1290 Ireland Rd., Ste. 700
South Bend, IN 46614
(574) 234-1157
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday | 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday | 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday | 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
How Can We Help?

SBMF offers pathology services to hospitals, physicians, and also serves as the community blood bank. If you need assistance or have any questions regarding these services, please complete the form below. Our team will promptly get in touch with you.